If you want learn very quickly . learn grammar , or Advance very fast I would recommend you to use a software that teaches French. I've found one software which is very useful .
Rocket French
Its just a recommendation you can use any other sofware you want.I learnt French using the above software. I'll also be covering some of the basic lessons and I will get you to a level which you can communticate with others.

Friday, June 18, 2010


If you want to learn French fast and very easily by far the best method to learn is using Rocket french.

You can download it from Here

Rocket French has deviated from the traditional books and is actually a software which teaches you how to speak the language.

It has many feature like :

Audio and video lessons
Culture lessons
Progress tracking
Conversation practise
And you can also test yourself by using games and online quizzes.

I have also posted some basic lessons to get you started.

Rocket products are also available for these languages:

Spanish:Get it here
Chinese:Get it here
German:Get it here
Japanese:Get it here
Italian:Get it here

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The French Alphabet

Letter Name
A - ɑ
B - be
C - se
D - de
E - ø
F - ɛf
G - ʒe
H - aʃ
I - i
J - ʒi
K - ka
L - ɛl
M - ɛm
N - ɛn
O - o
P - pe
Q - ky
R - ɛʁ
S - ɛs
T - te
U - y
V - ve
W - dubləve/ "double v"
X - iks
Y - iɡʁɛk/ "i grec"
Z - zɛd

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Greetings in French

Greetings are very important in any language.Below are some greetings used frequently.

Bonjour (Pronounced as Bon jaw)

Hello/Good day/Good morning/Good afternoon

Salut (the letter t is not sounded)


Content de te rencontrer!

Content de te rencontrer is for male
Contente de te rencontrer is for female

It means Pleased to meet you

Merci - Thank you

Merci beaucoup! - Many thanks! Thank you very much!

Bonsoir! Bonne soirée! - Good evening

Bonne nuit! - Good night

Viens ici! - Come here

Comment vas-tu? - How are you? (informal)

Comment allez-vous? - How are you? (formal)

Bonne chance! - Good luck

A bientot ! J'espére te revoir bientot! - See you soon

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Counting in French

Here are some basic numbers in french.They pretty much easy to remember.

0 zéro
1 un
2 deux
3 trois
4 quatre
5 cinq
6 six
7 sept
8 huit
9 neuf
10 dix

11 onze
12 douze
13 treize
14 quatorze
15 quinze
16 seize
17 dix-sept
18 dix-huit
19 dix-neuf

Monday, June 7, 2010

Some useful sentences and words in French

Here are some useful words and sentences in french.

Yes/No - Oui/Non -wee/nong

Yes, please/No, thank you - Oui, s'il vous plaît/Non, merci - wee, seel voo play/nong, mair-see

Please - S'il vous plaît - seel voo play

You're welcome - Il n'y a pas de quoi - eel nyah pah der kwah

Excuse me - Excusez-moi - ex-kewzay mwah

Do you speak English? - Est-ce que vous parlez anglais? - essker voo pahrlay ahng-glay

Can you help me? - Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider? - essker voo poovay may-day

I don't understand - Je ne comprends pas - zher ner kong-prahng pah

I don't know - Je ne sais pas - zher ner say pah

Sorry - Désolé - day-zo-lay

Where? - Où? - oo

When? - Quand? - kahng

How? - Comment - kommahng

Why? - Pourquoi? - poor-kwah

Who? - Qui? - kee

Which? - Lequel?/Laquelle? - ler-kell/lah-kell

Where is...? - Où est...? - oo ay

How much? - Combien? - kong-byang

How many? - Combien? - kong-byang

What's that? - Qu'est-ce que c'est? - kessker say

I'd like... - Je voudrais... - zher voodray

I want... - Je veux... - zher ver

OK/Agreed. - Ça va/d'accord. - sah vah/dah-korr

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rocket French

Hope these basics have helped you even a bit. For full lessons get
Rocket French